🥳《Weekly special》
Free pack of 《Restaurant Style Chili Oil》 for every $250 purchase. Buy more Get more.

凡訂購滿$250,即獲贈: 〈本地製作辣椒油〉 壹份。 多買多送,送完即止。

~~ Buy more save more. Discount can be COMBINED~~

🏵️《Double Double Party Special》

Any 2 Pack of ” BBQ Pork Bun, Chive & Shrimp Beancurd Roll , Veg & Pork Bun “for $55 (Save$5 ) .

Buy more save more. Discount can be COMBINED


$55 購買以下任何其中2款:《韭菜鮮蝦腐皮卷 /菜肉包 /叉燒包》 (* 慳$5)



These promotions can be enjoyed at the same purchase. 以上優惠可同時使用。
All amount in this website are quoted in Canadian dollar CAD. 本店所示金額為加拿大圓CAD。

交貨/送貨地點  City/Town*:

Markham ($95 minimum required)

Richmond Hill($95 minimum required)

Pick up at Hwy 7/ Yonge Silvercity ($95 minimum required cash only)

Pick up at First Markham Place ($95 minimum required cash only)

Aurora ($150 minimum required)

ScarboroughNorth of Lawrence ($150 minimum required

North YorkNorth of Lawrence($ 150 minimum required)

Downtown – ($ 200 minimum required)

Stouffville ($150 minimum required)

Vaughan/ Woodbridge ($ 200 minimum required)

Mississauga ($ 200 minimum required)

Other Areas – please contact for minimum required

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